Creating the Circle of the Stories, Poetry, and Songs
Dove award said, Synopsis: Gary and Christopher Wittmann will have you clapping and singing to the stories, poetry and songs. Gary is an award winning teacher who brings storytelling to families. Christopher brings music to the stories with his song. People are always asking for more monster stories like HOBBEYAHS or fun singing stories like the Rooster and the King. Gary wrote the original story of Famous, Fantastic, Fabulous, and Fast Mock One Turtle because of the traditional turtle soup parties they would have every fall of the year. Family theme songs like "The Circle of the Stories, Dandelion Wine, and Summer Fun" will perhaps bring back fond memories of your own childhood and youth. Dove Worldview: Here is a collection of folklore-like stories with some put to music for the family to enjoy. Some may be scary for younger children as they talk about monsters and such. Gary and Christopher Wittmann bring to life the stories that have been told for generations. Some of the stories are very charming and cute, while others will be great for around the campfire. We award the Dove "Family-Approved" 12+ Seal to this CD.
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